Wednesday, March 30, 2011

WMW: Bringing Work Home

One of the drawbacks of my career is that most nights I have to take my work home with me. It’s just part of the industry culture I work in and I’ve gotten used to it. To minimize the amount that I have to take home I typically eat my lunch at my desk and work on the train ride home.  However, it never fails that someone comes to me at 4:45 needing something done before the end of the day :/ 

Once I get home I take the first 90 minutes to spend some time with A and my husband, have dinner do bath time and put A to bed.  Then once he’s asleep I can log back in and get done what I have to do while I sit on the couch…with a glass of wine of course.

I wish I could leave work at work, but it’s just not in my job description to turn off when the clock strikes 5.  My crackberry blackberry is pretty much glued to my hand and you’ll find me answering work emails at midnight sometimes.  It sounds crazy but in my head it’s easier to just answer it then than waiting until the morning when 25 of its friends join my inbox.  I have been getting better at trying to not check in as much once I leave the office, but I just can't help but get the urge to check my messages when I see that little flashing red light ;)

This week’s Working Mommy Wednesday prompt from Julia over at Work, Wife, Mom….Life! is: Do you bring your work home with you? Why or why not?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe turn off the flashing light? ;-) Think it's great that you have dinner, bath and sleep time with "A" and that is what he'll remember!


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