Friday, January 7, 2011

What Nobody Ever Tells You

A recent post on one of my favorite blogs Work, Wife, Mom… Life got me thinking about all the things nobody tells/warns you about motherhood. This “conspiracy of silence” as I’ll call it, is the abyss that exists between what people will tell you about having children and what it really entails. 

Here are my top 15 things nobody told me.  Feel free to share some of your favorites.

  1. Besides the birth itself, going back to work will be the hardest thing you ever have to do
  2. No matter how terrible your day was, a smile from your child can melt it all away
  3. Sometimes they just want Daddy, and it will hurt your feelings
  4. You will never ever go the bathroom alone again…Ever
  5. Food habits change daily.  If they want to eat macaroni & cheese for 3 weeks straight, let ‘em.  They’ll grow out of it
  6. Nobody gives hugs quite like Mommy, but having them want those hugs at 3 am is not so cute
  7. No matter how many sit-ups you do, your abs will never recover.  Never
  8. You will gain (and loose) friends
  9. Watch out for those competitive moms – they are evil
  10. No matter how hard you battle, you will loose some control of your life. Nothing with children is/can be planned…you just have to go with the flow
  11. You won't do everything right the first time. You'll have regrets, but learn from your mistakes and move on
  12. Simple functions, such as taking a bath, become a synchronized event
  13. After pregnancy your feet may remain a size bigger…permanently
  14. No matter how many times you tell yourself you won't become that annoying parent who has a story about their kid to tell anyone who will listen, you will become that person. And you will be proud of it
  15. “Pregnancy brain” never really goes away.  You will continue to forget everything and leave yourself post it reminders

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