Saturday, January 1, 2011

Choices, Choices….

Like millions of other Americans this January I am determined to start a new diet and get rid of this extra weight once and for all.  But which diet to choose…..Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, or one of those prepared meal diets such as Medifast.  There are pros & cons to each of them, but I’m struggling with which one is right for me. 

I did Atkins back in 2006 before my wedding and was successful at dropping the weight and pretty much keeping it off until I got pregnant.  However I know that Atkins isn’t the healthiest option.  So while I know it works I’m not certain I want to do it again.  I never tried South Beach but from what I’ve read it’s similar to Atkins but healthier for your heart.

I have a lot of friends who have had great success with both Weight Watchers and Medifast.  In both of these options you have to pay (WW is a nominal monthly fee while Medifast is a bigger investment).  Both are about portion control, but one is pre-packaged and would be much easier for me to take to work.

No matter which one I choose I know one thing is for sure – I need to exercise MORE.  As part of my resolution I have rejoined my volleyball team this season, I will use the stairs more often at work and have promised myself to using my wii fit regularly.

Here’s saying bye-bye to these chubby thighs…..


  1. whatever you choose GOOD LUCK! Its hard but if you put the determination to it youll get it!

    I did South Beach a few yrs back and lost 40 lbs.

    Maybe we should start up a "weight loss group" and have some sort of checkins online or something... to keep each other going... wdyt?

  2. Thank you MrsE. That's amazing results you got from South Beach. I think a weight loss group is a great idea. It will help keep each other motivated. We could do blog check ins maybe.


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