Saturday, December 4, 2010

GoodNite Lite - Day 3

Goodnite Lite - 3
A - 0

Well, A definitely has the concept of moon=bed and sun=get up, now it will just be a matter of consistency.

I'm happy to report that there were no 4am wake ups.  Yay!  That's at least a step in the right direction.  A woke up around 5:30 so I had to go in and explain that he needs to stay in bed until he sees the sun. He resisted at first, but then I put on the starlight turtle he has and told him to count the stars....and he did!  My husband and I were laughing in our room listening to him on the monitor count to 10 over and over.  He must have drifed back to sleep because he got quiet and then around 5:50 I heard him exclaim "it's yellow!!  Time to get up". 

So the goodnite lite sticks around for another day.  Tomorrow I'm keeping with the 5:45 time one more time before we move on.

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