Friday, May 6, 2011


April 28th 2011 was National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day 2011.  At my Agency we host a huge day-long event for 60 of our employee’s children between 6 and 12 years old.  The entire day is sponsored by our Working Parents Network, and being one of the leaders of the network I played a big part in not only planning the day but making sure the day itself ran smoothly.  We start planning in late Feb/early March and it takes a lot of effort to plan all the details of the day.  This year the kids did some pretty cool activities including shooting a TV commercial, designing a toy, creating a print ad featuring themselves and designing their dream room!  The older kids also wrote a press release about the day with the help of our Public Relations group that all the children took back to share with their schools.  The day was a huge success and I am so proud of my team and all the people who helped us pull off this event.

Even though A didn’t qualify for the day’s activities I brought him in to be my sidekick for the day and to help me run things.  He was thrilled to ride on a real train and we even took a taxi as a special treat.  He did a great job helping me and was a big hit around the office.  After about a 15 minute warm up he was throwing out orders and acting like he owned the place. I think I have a future CEO on my hands. LOL

Here are a few highlights from the day:

Riding a real Choo-Choo Train for the 1st Time!!
Taxi cab confessions anyone??
my future CEO
putting him to work on some emails
lunchtime at the event
Really into the move that was shown during lunch

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