Saturday, March 16, 2013

Bad Mail

One late night after work last week, I was sorting through the mail and I came across an envelope stuck in-between the birthday cards I was opening.  I knew right away what it was without even seeing a word written on it.  Just from the way it looked I knew it had those two little words stamped in red across the font.  Those 11 letters we all dread... Jury Summons.  Mother f#?@!%.

The last time I got called was over 13 years ago when I was in college out of state.  I was excused from service back then so I've avoided it about as long as I'll ever be able to.  I guess that means you could call me a jury duty virgin since I’ve never ever gone or served. I am due to report April 1 (if my number is called) so this should be interesting...  To be honest, the ‘Law & Order watching’ half of me kinda wants to be picked for a cool case, but the ‘I have a life and don’t want to be sequestered for weeks away from my family’ half of me doesn’t.   We'll have to wait and see what happens on April fools day ;-)  

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