Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fantastic Four?

As I sit here on the eve of my son’s 4th birthday I can’t help but think of this moment 4 years earlier:  laying in my hospital bed apprehensive for what the next day would bring, scared of the induction, but most of all anxious to finally meet the little man that had been kicking my belly for so long.

Can it really be 4 years already?  People always tell you how fast kids grow up, but I’m really feeling it this year.  I only have one more year before he starts kindergarten and I am already dreading it. 

So much has happened in the last 4 years – good and bad.  As much as I don’t want him to grow up fast, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t happy to leave 3 safely behind us.  It’s been an extremely challenging year and Anthony has tested my patience in ways I wasn’t expecting.  I’ve heard 4’s referred to as the “fantastic fours” so please, please let that be true. 


Anthony, you are growing into such a funny, warm, smart and caring boy.  I don’t like that you worry, since that’s supposed to be my job (yes, you’ve told me that you worry about everything). Your job is to be carefree and enjoy the simple things in life.  You amaze me every day at just how bright you are and I am so proud of everything you’ve accomplished.  My wish for you this year is for you to be proud of yourself and come out of your shell a little bit more.  You are such a sweet boy (when you’re not driving me crazy, ha!) and you can accomplish anything when you put your mind to it.  You are my heart and soul.  I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 4th Birthday! Can't wait to celebrate with you!!! XOXO


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